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Hire Character.Train Skill.



You can’t build a great company without RIGHT people. The problem: How do you know the great people when you see them? An interview and a reference check are simply not sufficient to reliably predict an individual’s performance, capabilities and fit.  Candidate assessments reduces your recruiting risks and allow to focus on growing a stable high performing team.

We use two award winning Assessments  (TAIS and HOGAN) to shine light on how a person will likely operate in your organizational context and in a specific position. 


TAIS (The Attentional and Interpersonal Style inventory) is one of the most effective psychometric tools of its kind in the world. It is used by elite-level practitioners and organizations around the world where identifying and coaching high-performance individuals is pivotal to success. 


Hogan Assessments prides itself as being the leader in the Science of Personality by employing one of the industry’s largest data science teams of Ph.D. and Masters-level psychologists specializing in industrial and organizational psychology, research methods, personality, and statistics.  Hogan leads the world in personality assessment and leadership development. Hogan is the industry leader serving more than half of the Fortune 500.



At Novanta, we help you and your employee figure out what is holding them back and how to overcome their natural operational style preferences and apply their strengths in the right time and place while mitigating the weaknesses. 

Poor performers struggle with one disabler that is dragging them down while high performers can’t access an operating style that is required at the next level. We help profile and develop a customized performance improvement plan for your talent for today and the future.  


Talent is just a piece of the puzzle of a winning corporate culture, culture that enables high performance and directly translates into your business' bottom line. We can help you and your HR team develop or fine-tune your human capital strategy, processes and systems. A well balanced organization is what attracts and retains employees and it takes a very thoughtful and precise orchestration to establish and maintain such a complex system. 

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